SFO – No Muslim Ban
January 28, 2017
SFO International Airport
Thousands chanting “Let Them In, Let Them In” “No Ban, No Wall” “Kick Trump Out! Let the Refugees In!” as passengers are detained from flights originating in the predominantly Muslim countries of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. The crowd of protesters continues to grow with a vow to remain until those being detained have seen lawyers and are allowed to freely enter the country. Similar massive protests are happening across the country.
#NoBanNoWall #LetThemIn
January 29, 2017
San Francisco International Airport –
Massive crowds gathered for 2nd day with intense passion and solidarity to unequivocally stand against the ban on refugees and those entering the US from 7 predominantly Muslim Countries. Up to 50 lawyers offered pro-bono assistance to families waiting for loved ones who had been detained or who they feared would be detained upon arrival.

We Resist! No KXL No DAPL — Rally at San Francisco Federal Building.
January 26, 2017
Following the lead of Idle No More SF Bay, thousands came to stand together for the protection of clean water, clean air, clean energy, the climate, treaty rights, sacred sites and the future of all the generations that will follow.
No Keystone XL Pipeline.
No Dakota Access Pipeline.
#NoDAPL #NoKXL #WaterIsLife