SGVCC Exhibit 2022 – Painting for the Future

Climate Strike for Climate Justice

September, 2019 – San Francisco Financial District


…With Paint

A major component of Climate and Environmental Justice rallies around the Bay Area is often the painting of beautiful giant street murals.  Some of these murals are truly massive, shutting down multiple huge city blocks and in September 2018, completely encircling San Francisco’s Civic Center Plaza (plus some).

These giant murals often consist of dozens of smaller circular murals that are then “woven” together with a triangular pattern that was inspired by the basketry traditions of native California.  Each of these smaller circular murals is designed and painted by a different community group or organization, and represents their unique vision of Climate Justice realities or envisions what a healthier future might look like.

The paint used is non-toxic, some of it made from ash and charcoal from CA wildfires, some of it clay based from the CA foothills and some of it tempera.  

These inspiring murals, guided by the incredible artist/organizer David Solnit, bring together dozens of community groups and hundreds of people of all ages and backgrounds, to share their unique visions for a healthier future.